Facing American Country-Based Injuries, Part 3


Any American knows that in the last few years, politics have become an even more central part of our daily news, comedy shows and talk shows. It is often commented on, how upset so many Americans are these days about politics. Our next presidential election is over a year away, and yet dozens of politicians have begun actively campaigning, and nationally televised debates between these candidates have already happened in the last couple months.

I’m continuing to learn more about the country-based injuries Jesus and Mary brought up with me in feedback last year, and I’m finding it confronting but also interesting.

The main inspiration for this Part 3 was really just that I recently found more Divine Truth videos that discuss these country-based injuries. They really hit the nail on the head in terms of explaining and clarifying issues that I’d started to wonder about. When I watched them I just felt, Man I’ve gotta post these videos on the blog NOW because they’re so pertinent for Americans! So I wanted to share those videos here and also later in the blog share a bit about some of my recent personal thoughts on the topic.

The first video is from the Forgiveness & Repentance series that Jesus and Mary have been releasing over the last few years, and the video discusses many issues relevant to Americans and those in Western countries. I really recommend watching the entire F&R series, because there is vital information throughout the series related to country-based injuries. If you did want to start from the beginning of the series, you can click here for Session 1 Part 1, and watch in order from there.

The video below is partway through the series, so you may still want to watch the previous material first, but this video contains specific examples about politics. When I watched this I was both confronted but also felt like, BOOM THERE IT IS, yes.

Additionally, I found that the discussion in the video above was a great follow-on to some discussions about politics that Jesus mentioned in some of the 2016 Assistance Groups. Specifically, the following two videos contain some examples (I’ve embedded the time code in the link so the video starts to play at the particular question):

I’ve found myself thinking a lot about politics in the context of the American country-based injuries, and so wanted to share some of those thoughts. As always, my disclaimer is that my views, and this blog, are not endorsed by Jesus and Mary, nor affiliated with the Divine Truth organizations, and my analysis and statements may not be accurate. They’re just my own contemplations while in the process, and are always subject to the influence of my emotional injuries.

Ok, politics: I have no formal history or experience in politics, however over time in my adulthood it has become something I’ve found myself following more closely, though as I mentioned before, any American would probably know it’s hard to avoid politics nowadays with it being everywhere.

I’ve particularly been thinking about what Jesus seems to have said about how at the moment, the politicians in America become “successful” politicians in part by feeding the addictions of Americans. This turned some things on their head for me, because I’ve wanted to believe that our politicians and political system are not giving us what we want and deserve. I think many Americans see it this way. And so my first thought was, “I wonder really how many Americans would even agree or see that often the politicians are pandering to us“.

However, when I think of the kinds of addictions politicians could be feeding, I think of all the conveniences, luxuries and resources that we have and have come to expect, and especially how we feel like we deserve to have them regardless of their potential negative impact on the rest of the world. I also think of the fears we have that we want our government to defend us from. I also think of our personal lack of responsibility and desire for the government to take over a lot of that for us.

Recently I’ve observed myself watch certain political candidates give speeches, and talk about their promises if they gain the office they’re campaigning for, and I’ve at times felt “inspired” or “relieved” by those speeches. I’ve then thought…. Hold on, if this is making me feel goodand yet most politicians are feeding addictions to get the favor of people, what’s really going on here on a soul level for me?

That observation then made me think about my personal interactions with Jesus, Mary and others who have confronted the country-based demands in me that I haven’t wanted to see, and that I still want to justify and keep. When that’s happened, I’ve been very emotionally defensive, resistant and angry, as I often become when addictions that I want are confronted. I’ve felt that I don’t want to hear about these country-based addictions, would like others to please stop telling me about them, and have generally just felt flipped upside down emotionally and very jumbled when the topic comes up. What I’m trying to say here is, I feel very different emotions when Jesus and Mary talk to me about truths about country based addictions to the emotions I feel when I hear certain political leaders campaign and speak about the country.


I’ve then thought, If the politicians were in the right space from God’s Perspective, wouldn’t I feel the same way when I hear them talk about America to how I’ve felt when Jesus and Mary have confronted my country-based addictions? And if I don’t feel similarly confronted, isn’t it logical that these politicians must be pandering to and supporting the addictions in me, thereby creating the ‘nice’ or optimistic feelings I sometimes get when hearing them talk?

And so it seems that I must keep looking at what appeals to me about what they say, and why.

By the way, an important clarification here: I’m not saying that everything that politicians promise or want for the country are things I believe are unloving. For example, before there was marriage equality in the USA for gay and lesbian couples, some politicians voiced the intention to make it so. I think marriage equality is absolutely a loving thing, and of course it makes sense people would be very excited and optimistic about hearing politicians talk about something like that.

So in this blog I’m just focusing on the issues that may not be loving from God’s Perspective, and the things that are addictions from God’s Perspective (which by the say, I’m not even clear on everything that is or isn’t).

Additionally, when I listen to candidates aspiring for high positions in federal or state governments, I’ve noticed that they rarely, if ever, talk about what Americans should not feel entitled to. They don’t talk about what we’re constantly getting that is not ethical and moral, and how we need to change our demands. Rather, they usually talk about how great Americans and America are, and most of the time, their speeches feel like a reinforcement of how much we do indeed deserve all we get, and more, because we are so wonderful.


Politicians also rarely talk about whether or how something Americans want affects the rest of the world. They talk about America in a way that makes us sound like an island; like there is no outside world to really consider with regards to what we want or have. I’ve noticed I rarely hear about countries outside America at all in these dialogues, except ones we think might be a threat to us. Occasionally, politicians will position America as generous and helpful towards certain countries, though I can’t help but wonder if they’re countries that barter with us, and pander to us, and therefore helping or supporting them benefits us selfishly. So I have noticed politicians don’t talk in the context of the entire world, and how we can benefit everyone on the planet; we only talk about our own benefit. And these are the same emotions reflected that I personally have: a lack of interest or desire to give to the world, and only an interest in myself and what benefits me.

I’d never before even clocked that there was anything unusual with how candidates gained favor, how they got elected, and what they talked about. I never noticed they didn’t talk about our impact on the world much. But I can see that this is because I have always been in agreement in my soul with these attitudes. I can see that this same self-focus and disregard that our country displays as an entity, are also personal emotions I have, and ones that play out when I am in day-to-day situations with others. And even though I have a lot of resistance to it, I can see what Jesus is saying in the videos above about the personal responsibility we each have, and how I can’t really blame it all on our politicians as if they are not reflecting the collective and the issues of love in myself.

So with this blog, I wanted to share the videos, and to share that I think it’d be interesting for us all to observe how we feel emotionally when Jesus talks about the truth about America, our politics, and our country-based injuries, and then compare that with how we feel emotionally about politicians that we are inclined to like (and maybe also the ones we don’t like), and how we feel about their their promises and visions. I think this comparison could tell us a lot.


So that’s it for today, and I wanted to update my “Master List” of DT material I’ve found so far that has information on American country-based injuries or general issues in western countries including the USA:

20070914 General Discussion – Q&A From People In Cocoa S1P2: This video includes discussion about the USA’s destruction of the natural environment. I have embedded the link directly to this question.

20120218 General Discussion – Blocks To Spiritual Progression In The USA

20150930-1400 Judgement Towards Others: This video contains relevant reflections for many in first-world countries.

20161108-1350 Governance Principles: In this video the question is asked, “If Governance Principles ensure restriction of those in lower development, why do evil people seem to be in power on Earth?” and a discussion relevant to America ensues. I have embedded the link directly to this question.

20161122-1510 Responsibility Principles: In this video I ask Jesus, “Why do humans often give societal power and authority to people who are not self responsible or developed in love?” and a discussion relevant to America ensues. I have embedded the link directly to this question.

20161123-1350 Compensation Principles: In this video Jesus discusses how our fear contributes to countries going to war. I have embedded the link directly to this question.

20170919-1630 God’s Laws of Forgiveness & Repentance: This video contains discussion about American politics.

All Forgiveness & Repentance videos, which highlight how not forgiving and repenting personally contributes to country-based, societal and global pain.



Photo credits: Ashton Bingham, David Everett Strickler, Drew HaysJosh Johnson

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I’m Courtney

I’ve been listening to Divine Truth teachings for a long time. This blog is where I share my feelings and experiences with it so far.